The Multiple Master Menu

The MM Menu provides a few commands for manipulating Multiple Master fonts. If the current font is a MM itself font the menu also includes a list of all font instances that make up this one. This menu is available in the font view and the outline character view.

The menu as it appears in the font view

Create MM
Brings up the muliple master dialog and allows you to create your own multiple master font from scratch.
MM Valid
Checks that the current multiple master font can be saved. So each master design must match in:
MM Info
Brings up the muliple master dialog and allows you to modify the current multiple master font.
MM Change Default Weights
Allows you to change the default weights assigned to each master design used in blending the default instance of the font
<sub font name>
Clicking on a different sub font name in the menu will cause that sub-font to be displayed instead of the current one. The subfonts are the master designs and the default blended font.

The menu as it appears in the outline character view

MM Reblend
Reblends the default version of the current character
A submenu which allows you to choose which of the designs of this glyph you want displayed in the background of the view
<sub font name>
Clicking on a different sub font name in the menu will cause the glyph from that sub-font to be displayed instead of the current one. The subfonts are the master designs and the default blended font.

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